Our Services

Romsey Family Dental Care

General Check Up

At Romsey dental, we are passionate about promoting good oral health habits. We believe in two key steps to keep your dental health on track - regular visits to your dentist and a good oral health care routine at home.

Regular dental visits are essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums.

General Check Up - Romsey Family Dental Care

At Romsey dental we remind you to visit every 6 months, allowing us to detect any problems at the earliest possible stage so that if treatment is required, it is normally minimally invasive and less costly.

A dedicated home care routine is essential to keep your teeth and gums healthy. We recommend brushing for at least two minutes twice a day, using a soft bristled manual or electric toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Also try to floss at least once daily to clean between the teeth and just below the gum lines.

Dental x-rays are usually updated every two to three years, unless there is an issue that needs to be assessed more closely. An x-ray will give the dentist a good view of what cannot be seen in the mouth, helping to identify decay between teeth as well as any abscesses, cysts or impacted teeth.

Call Romsey dental to book in for a check up with one of our dentists or oral health therapists.

Dental Cleaning with EMS AIRFLOW

At Romsey Dental, we are pleased to provide modern dental technology so we can givethe best patient experience possible. We are now offering the Swiss-Made EMSAIRFLOW and a Guided Biofilm Therapy treatment to help improve your oral health andsmile!

EMS AIRFLOW - Romsey Family Dental Care


AIRFLOW is an innovative, non-contact type of dental maintenance and prevention. It releases a controlled stream of air, warm water and very fine sweet powder onto the tooth. It also focuses on tough-to-reach areas to dislodge and remove food particles, plaque, discolouration and stains

One of the greatest advantages of this system is the high-pressure water/air stream cleans your teeth quickly, efficiently and comfortably. Conventional methods of teeth cleaning are often messy, time-consuming and can leave you with a not so great taste in your mouth.

AIRFLOW is similar to being at a day spa. Instead of aestheticians providing facial treatments, your dentist or oral health therapist gently exfoliates your teeth. Due to the water in the AIRFLOW Prophylaxis Master, which is heated to 40 degrees, your teeth will feel comfortable.

Same Day Crowns using CEREC

Same day or CEREC crowns are dental crowns that can be created in a day using CEREC technology. Unlike traditional crowns, Cerec allows you the ability to have your crown done over two visits within the same day. In contrast, traditional crowns require the dentist to take manual impressions and to send your job to an external laboratory to make the crown which can take up to a couple of weeks.

CEREC - Romsey Family Dental Care

How does CEREC Technology work?

CEREC technology is short for Chairside Economical Restoration of Aesthetic Ceramics and is one of the most recent and advanced technologies currently available in digital dentistry. CEREC same-day crowns involve the use of a milling machine, CAD (Computer Aided Designing) and 3D imaging software. This enables your dentist to manufacture your dental crown in one day. For this reason, they are referred to as same-day crowns. The process is quite simple, efficient and involves four phases: Your initial scan.

The process is quite simple, efficient and involves four phases:

  1. Your initial scan: Firstly, your dentist will scan your teeth using the CEREC scanner. This will enable your dentist to produce an accurate 3D digital impression of your mouth or a specific tooth.
  2. Crown concept: After your scan, your dentist will use this 3D image to create an accurate digital model using the CEREC machine and its software. A digital crown will be designed to match your natural tooth in size, shape, and colour.
  3. Milling your crown: Your dentist will send the 3D crown design to the in-house milling machine to begin the milling process. During this process, the chosen blank is placed into the machine and a crown with the correct specificities determined by the software and your dentist is cut out.
  4. Finishing touches: Once the crown is milled, your dentist will polish, stain and glaze your new crown to make it look natural and place it into a furnace. During this step, the crown is cooked at a specific temperature which will increase its strength and hardness. Once it comes out of the furnace, the crown is then ready to be cemented over the tooth to restore your natural smile and re-establish its function.

What are the benefits of single day crowns?

Eliminates the use of temporary crowns Traditionally, you would receive a temporary crown while you wait for the dental laboratory to create your permanent crown. Depending on your case, it will take the dental laboratories up to two weeks to fabricate your crown. In contrast, CEREC technology eliminates the need for temporary crowns as they can be manufactured within a day. As a result, you will reduce your time spent at the dentist and will receive your final restoration on the same day.

Restore your smile quicker

Same-day crowns enable you to immediately strengthen and restore the functionality of your teeth much more efficiently. In fact, your dentist will be able to create your crown within one to two hours. Therefore, you will leave your crown appointment with the final restoration.

Strong and reliable

Your 3D scan will enable your dentist to take a mould of your teeth without traditional impression taking. Therefore, you will not experience the discomfort patients may feel during traditional tray impressions. The 3D scanner is very accurate, and the resulting scan mimics your mouth in reality which means the crown that is fabricated from the software will fit well. Same-day crowns consist of a quality dental material called porcelain. This material is also the main component of other dental procedures such as dental veneers. Porcelain is a strong substance and provides long-lasting support once cemented. Just like your natural teeth, the crowns can stain and break. Therefore, you will need to take care of it and attend regular check-ups at the dentist to have them maintained and checked.

Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening

At Romsey Dental we are happy to offer Philips Zoom! in-chair teeth whitening. This treatment has been proven to whiten teeth up by up to eight shades.

Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening - Romsey Family Dental Care

The treatment process is quite straightforward. A high strength whitening (hydrogen peroxide) gel is applied to the teeth and broken down by a LED heat lamp. This allows oxygen to enter the enamel and dentin to remove stains or discolouration without damaging teeth. In general, you can expect treatment to take between 60 minutes to 1.5 hours. Our practice offers Zoom whitening, which includes a take-home whitening kit with custom-made trays.

Happy Gas

If you feel anxiety at the thought of sitting in the dentist's chair, talk to us about happy gas.

Most forms of sedation used in dentistry allow you to remain conscious but relaxed, helping to ease the tension of undergoing dental procedures.

Happy Gas - Romsey Family Dental Care

Nitrous Oxide - Laughing Gas

Our dental clinic offers Nitrous Oxide sedation which is also known as laughing gas.

Our dentists can treat all adults and kids using this method for different types of dental treatments.

Nitrous Oxide sedation by the dentist is one of the most ideal and a very economical clinical sedative available for dental treatments.

The sedation method is a simple procedure that can be done at the clinic. The dentist will sedate you by placing a mask over the nose to administer Nitrous oxide.

Nitrous Oxide contains a mix of 70% oxygen to 30% nitrous oxide. It has no color or smell, and it will not cause any irritation.

The patients will simply breathe in the gas for the sedation to take effect. The dentist has greater control over the amount of dental sedation you receive through Nitrous oxide.

When you take Nitrous Oxide, it will help you to relax. The gas will also wear off quickly after the sedation treatment procedure and you will be fully conscious.

When Nitrous Oxide sedation method is used by the dentist for sedation, Patients can go home after the dental procedures without any help or assistance.

Book your next appointments with our dentists for treatments using the nitrous oxide sedation method.

Emergency Dental Treatment

Dental emergencies can occur for a variety of reasons but often when you least expect it. At Romsey Dental, we understand the importance of urgent dental care and encourage you to contact us promptly to avoid the issue from worsening.

Emergency Dental Treatment - Romsey Family Dental Care

We provide emergency dental care for both new and existing patients and will endeavor to treat you as soon as possible to alleviate your dental pain.

Call us straight away if you find yourself

  • In pain
  • Broken tooth
  • Swollen face or jaw
  • Excessive gum bleeding

Children's Dentistry

At Romsey Dental we want all children to be happy, healthy and confident. Good dental care is important to all of these things and regular check ups are important. But we know that going to the dentist can be scary.

Children's Dentistry - Romsey Family Dental Care

Our caring team at Romsey dental take the time and have the patience to ensure your child feels comfortable and safe seeing us - dentistry does not always need to be scary! By getting to know and understand your child we can build a relationship with them, and you, the parents, so everyone feels comfortable and safe when you visit us. By creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere we can begin to educate each child about what we do and what they need from a dentist. We show them how to maintain excellent hygiene and at home tooth maintenance.


Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment which uses a series of clear aligners that are custom-designed and fitted to suit your orthodontic requirements.

Invisalign - Romsey Family Dental Care

The Invisalign 3D computer technology allows us to show you the simulated treatment plan from start to finish.

Your teeth are gradually moved into alignment by aligners, which are changed every six to eight weeks, with your dentist overseeing until your teeth are in the desired position.

Invisalign treatment is an aesthetically appealing orthodontic option for many people who don't want the metal wire look often associated with traditional braces.

You can easily remove the aligners throughout your treatment in order to eat as normal, to brush and floss your teeth and for special occasions. Invisalign treatment is virtually invisible, providing you with a discreet orthodontic treatment that achieves great results.

Spark Aligners

The ultimate alternative to braces are Spark clear aligners. Made from a special material called TrueGEN, Spark Aligners are clear and very comfortable to wear.

Spark Aligners - Romsey Family Dental Care

The material has been specifically created to resist stains, ensuring your treatment is as invisible as possible.

You can easily remove the aligners throughout your treatment in order to eat as normal, to brush and floss your teeth and for special occasions.

Spark aligner treatment is an aesthetically appealing orthodontic option for many people who don't want the metal wire look often associated with traditional braces.

Sleep Sedation

For those who are really phobic and cannot be treated under normal circumstances, or if the surgery is very involved, IV sedation can be performed in the clinic with the help of a professional sedationist.

Sleep Sedation - Romsey Family Dental Care

Sedation and sleep dentistry are beneficial for anyone who has an extreme fear of having dental procedures. We may also recommend sleep dentistry for those who require extensive dental work. This allows us to do a lot of work in less time, saving the patient time and money as they don't have to make multiple visits. But the benefits of sleep dentistry are different for each individual.

This method works by administering sedatives intravenously, putting you in a semi-conscious state, so you are unaware and unable to remember the events happening around you. When the sedative takes effect, you will generally feel extremely relaxed and in a dream-like state of mind. We will also use a local anesthetic to numb the area we are working on, to help ensure that there is no way of feeling any pain. While sleep dentistry may sound appealing, it is not necessary as modern technology has allowed many procedures to be done with minimal discomfort. But it can be very useful to teach those who are afraid of dental procedures that they need not worry. It is also not recommended for common procedures like x-rays or dental cleanings.

Gum (Periodontal) Treatment

Healthy Gums are the foundation of a healthy mouth.

Periodontics is a special brand of dentistry that focuses on the gums and other dental supportive structures, including your jaw bone.

Gum (Periodontal) Treatment - Romsey Family Dental Care

The gums are incredibly important when it comes to dental health, and if there's an issue with your gums, it can even threaten the health of your teeth.

Whenever you visit Romsey Dental for a check-up, your dental professional will inspect your gums just as much as they look at your teeth. If they spot any issues, they will let you know if it's something you can take care of at home with good hygiene, something they can help with in the dental practice, or something that you will need to see a dedicated periodontist to treat.

Whatever the case, periodontics can help you to keep your oral health in good shape, and avoid problems before they arise.

Gum (Periodontal) Treatment - Romsey Family Dental Care

What causes periodontitis?

Periodontitis is the advanced form of gingivitis, a disease where your gums become infected. Gingivitis and periodontitis come from poor oral health, such as not brushing and flossing well or often enough, and consuming a diet high in sugary foods and drinks.

While gingivitis can be reversed with good oral health and a professional clean from your dental hygienist, periodontitis cannot be reversed. Once the disease has reachedthis stage, it becomes about managing the symptoms and stopping it from getting worse.

Come into our clinic for a check- up and we can screen you for various dental conditions you may think are minor but could cause issues in the future. We will show you how to protect and prevent gum disease.

Emergency Dentistry

Do you wake up in the morning with an aching jaw? You could be grinding your teeth in your sleep.

Emergency Dentistry - Romsey Family Dental Care

20% of the population suffer from this. Teeth grinding can result from an off-set tooth bite, or it can be stress-induced. We can fit you with a night splint to help protect from your grinding teeth.

  • Jaw pain.
  • Toothache
  • Infections.
  • Headaches and muscle aches.
  • Damaged and worn-down teeth.
  • Pain when opening jaw.
  • Limited jaw opening.
  • Locked jaw.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

We provide oral health assessment and management and promote healthy oral behaviour. Maintaining good oral hygiene assists in preventing dental problems from occuWisdom teeth tend to grow much later than other permanent teeth, usually during late adolescence or early adulthood. If there isn't enough room in your mouth for these new teeth or they erupt in a problematic way, you may experience infection, discomfort or other issues.

Wisdom Teeth Removal - Romsey Family Dental Care

Due to the position, wisdom teeth are difficult to clean, increasing the risk of infection that can spread and lead to worse health problems. Pain in the jaw is often the first indication of problematic wisdom teeth. Pain can affect the upper or lower jaw, and sometimes radiate to the face, muscles and surrounding structures. The pain could be excruciating. Often an erupting wisdom tooth may cause inflamed, swollen and painful tissue around the area of the mouth. Sometimes the symptoms will subside after a few days, but they will reoccur again and again, until your wisdom teeth are removed.

In addition, Wisdom teeth are usually the most difficult teeth to remove in the whole mouth, therefore it is not recommended to wait until they become painful. Usually by then the teeth are so infected and broken down they will subsequently require an oral surgeon to remove, and cannot be treated effectively on the day of your emergency dental visit. Lastly, it is not recommended to wait and remove your wisdom teeth when you are elderly. Usually the elderly heal slower, the jaw is much more fragile, and the teeth have been in the mouth for so long that the procedure becomes much more difficult.

Therefore most of the times we recommend wisdom teeth removal when you're young and healthy to prevent any future problems.

A dental exam and x-rays can catch these problems early to avoid future complications and can help improve overall health and wellbeing.

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment can save a badly infected or damaged tooth. The tooth may have become infected or damaged by decay, repeated dental work, wear and tear,cracked fillings or an injury to the tooth. When the dental pulp is damaged, bacteria can start to multiply inside the tooth. This can lead to an infection or abscess, which is a pocket of pus that forms at the end of the tooth's root.

Root Canal Treatment - Romsey Family Dental Care

Saving your own tooth if possible is important. It works better than an artificial tooth for biting and chewing. Losing a tooth can lead to other problems in the mouth. Replacing a lost tooth with an artificial one often needs more complex dental procedures. Root canal treatment is often the best way of saving a tooth.

What are the signs I might need a root canal treatment?

Sometimes there are no symptoms that a tooth needs root canal treatment. More commonly, the signs include:

  • Severe toothache when biting or chewing
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold that lasts after the heat or cold has been removed
  • Darkening of the tooth
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Pus around an infected tooth
  • Swelling of the face or neck
  • A loose tooth

What happens during a root canal treatment?

First, the dentist takes an x-ray of the tooth to see the shape of the root canals and determine whether there is any infection in the bone around the tooth. A sheet or rubber called a rubber dam is placed over the tooth to prevent contamination. You will be able to breathe normally. The dentist will use a local anaesthetic to numb the area around the tooth before drilling a hole in the tooth to remove the pulp. Each tooth has between 1 and 4 canals, depending on the tooth. All of the canals will be cleaned, shaped and disinfected.

It can take several appointments, often 2-3, for the dentist to clean and shape the hole inside the tooth before placing a sterile filling inside. Between treatments they will seal the tooth with a temporary filling and may place a metal band around the tooth to protect it. When the treatment is finished, they will fill the canal space with a material called gutta percha.

Often a crown on the tooth is recommended after to protect the tooth as the tooth will never be as strong as the original. Root canal treatments nowadays are extremely effective and should be almost completely pain free because of the anaesthetic. There may be some pain and gum swelling once the effects of the anaesthetic wears off, and a dose of ibuprofen is an ideal root canal pain treatment.

Soft Tissue Laser

At Romsey dental using Soft tissue laser technology allows us to treat lesions and gum problems in a minimally invasive manner for faster results, faster healing, and minimal to no discomfort.

Soft Tissue Laser - Romsey Family Dental Care

Some of the types of laser treatments we're able to provide with the soft tissue laser are:

  • Tongue ties and lip ties (frenectomies) in children
  • Cosmetic gum recontouring
  • Cold sores and ulcer treatment
  • Tooth desensitization
  • Removal of excess gum tissue
  • Adjusting soft tissues around wisdom teeth

The main benefits of using a soft tissue laser are:

  • Reduced need for anesthetic injections
  • No use of scalpel or stitches meaning healing is much quicker and far less painful
  • Faster and more comfortable than traditional methods
  • Far less risk of infection